Thursday, March 25, 2010

I am proud of my Chicken!!

For the thousands of folks clamoring for information and photos about Chick Ann ....
okay hundreds...
well, maybe a few...
all right.....truth be told, probably just me...

here is the long awaited link:

Not only will you see the chicklet photo of Ann, but now: drum roll: the teenage Ann too! Suitable for framing if you choose, which I obviously do -- or at least taping to the refrigerator right next to the magnet which reads, "You say 'drool' like it's a bad thing," remember, I live with Ruby the drooling Mastiff.

AND as a bonus for clicking on the link -- you get to see some of Jan Small's whimsical farm paintings - glad the rooster painting is not my chick, or it would not be for sale.

In closing, going now for a theological if not folk theme: "It's all good....God made it and it's all good". (another infommercial -- check out the new Sababa CD at You gotta be plucky to hatch a CD like that....sorry.

May your blessings be as numerous as Chick Ann's feathers.

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